F5C performance hints


Due to the vast differences among Nanopore datasets and the computing systems, having a universal set of parameters that gives the best runtime performance (execution time) in each case is impossible. If the default parameters are causing a significant impact on execution time, f5c will suggest user to tune the parameters. If preferred, users can terminate and relaunch f5c with better parameters. However, note that there may be false positives and false negatives.

Table of Contents

Improving I/O performance

Fast5 I/O taking more time than processing

If your fast5 files reside on a multi-disk system (a RAID array), you can launch with multiple I/O processes using –iop option. As a rule of thumb, if you have n disks, use n I/O processes.

If increased iop does not help, it means that your disk system cannot supply random disk requests fast enough to the processor. If your fast5s are located in a network mount storage, consider copying them to a fast local disk (ideally SSD).

Improving CPU-GPU performance

The tunable parameters in f5c that affects CPU-GPU performance are as follows.

parameter description
max-lf reads with length <= max-lf x average_read_length are assigned to GPU and rest to CPU
avg-epk average number of events per base used for allocating GPU arrays
max-epk reads with events per base <= cuda-max-epk are assigned to GPU, rest to CPU
K upper limit of the batch size with respect to the number of reads
B upper limit of the batch size with respect to the number of bases
t number of CPU threads
ultra-thresh threshold to skip exceptionally long reads

For a comprehensive explanation of these parameters read our pre-print.

CPU-GPU Load balance

When CPU and GPU are simultaneously processing parts of the batch of reads, either CPU or GPU taking too much time than the other, results in degraded overall performance. Hints to fix such load imbalance are as follows.

CPU time » GPU time

If CPU is taking significantly more time than the GPU, the causes and the remedies can be :

  • CPU processing too many reads due to a large batch size causing the GPU memory to overflow: decreasing -K may help
  • CPU assigned with too many very-long-reads : increasing –cuda-max-lf may help
  • CPU assigned with too many over-segmented reads : increasing –cuda-max-epk may help
  • Ultra-long-reads which the CPU takes too much time for a given read: using –skip-ultra option may help. If still a problem decreasing –ultra-thresh would help.
  • f5c was run with very few threads than the hardware CPU threads: increasing -t would help
  • If nothing can fix, it may be that the CPU is too weak compared to the GPU and nothing can be done except upgrading the CPU

GPU time » CPU time

If GPU is taking significantly more time than the CPU, the causes and the remedies can be :

  • GPU assigned with too many very-long-reads : decreasing –cuda-max-lf may help
  • GPU assigned with too many over-segmented reads : decreasing –cuda-max-epk help
  • CPU do not have much work to do probably due to a too low Ultra-long-reads threshold: increasing –ultra-thresh may help
  • If nothing can fix, it may be that the CPU is too powerful compared to the GPU and nothing can be done except upgrading the GPU

GPU memory utilisation

There are two types of arrays allocated on the GPU global memory, read arrays and event arrays. If either of them or both of them are under-utilised, the performance will not be ideal. Hints to maximise the GPU array utilisation is as follows.

all arrays under-utilised

If both read arrays and event arrays are under-utilised, it may be due to a very small batch size which is inadequate to fit the GPU memory. Try the following.

  • increasing -B
  • increasing -K

read arrays under-utilised

If only read arrays are under-utilised, this is mostly due to too many over-segmented reads assigned to the GPU or the default average events per k-mer value not adequate for this dataset. Try the following.

  • decreasing –max-epk
  • increasing –avg-epk

event arrays under-utilised

This is the inverse of the above and so try the reverse.

  • increasing –max-epk
  • decreasing –avg-epk