Building f5c


Note : Building from the Github repository additionally requires invoking autoreconf --install to generate the configure script. autoreconf can be installed on Ubuntu using sudo apt-get install autoconf automake.

Clone the git repository.

git clone && cd f5c

Alternatively, download the latest release tarball and extract. eg :

wget "$VERSION/f5c-$VERSION-release.tar.gz" && tar xvf f5c-$VERSION-release.tar.gz && cd f5c-$VERSION/

While we have tried hard to avoid the dependency hell, three dependencies (zlib, HDF5 and HTS) could not be avoided.

Currently 3 building methods are supported.

  1. Locally compiled HTS library and system wide HDF5 library (recommended)
  2. Locally compiled HTS and HDF5 libraries (HDF5 local compilation - takes a bit of time)
  3. System wide HTS and HDF5 libraries (not recommended as HTS versions can be old)

Dependencies : Install the HDF5 (and zlib development libraries)

On Debian/Ubuntu : sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev zlib1g-dev
On Fedora/CentOS : sudo dnf/yum install hdf5-devel zlib-devel
On Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S hdf5
On OS X : brew install hdf5

Now build f5c

autoreconf              # skip if compiling a release, only required when building from github
scripts/  # download and compiles htslib in the current folder
make                    # or make cuda=1 if compiling for CUDA

Method 2 (time consuming)

Dependencies : Install the zlib development libraries

On Debian/Ubuntu : sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
On Fedora/CentOS : sudo dnf/yum install zlib-devel

Now build f5c

autoreconf                      # skip if compiling a release, only required when building from github
scripts/          # download and compiles htslib in the current folder
scripts/         # download and compiles HDF5 in the current folder
./configure --enable-localhdf5
make                            # or make cuda=1 if compiling for CUDA

Dependencies : Install HDF5 and hts

On Debian/Ubuntu : sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev zlib1g-dev libhts1

Now build f5c

autoreconf                      # skip if compiling a release, only required when building from github
./configure --enable-systemhts
make                            # or make cuda=1 if compiling for CUDA